S100A11 (TG2)

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S100A11 (TG2)
S100A11 (TG2)
Substrate peptide name S100A11
Synonyms S100 calcium-binding protein A11


Determination type In situ/In vitro
Source Homo sapiens
Subcellular localization Cytosol

Keratinocyte cornified envelope

Swissprot ID P31949
Reactive glutamines Q102
Reactive lysines K3
Substrate sequence KAVPSQKRT


Structure 1QLS
Surface accessibility ASAView pdf

ASAView txt

Disorder prediction IUPred
Reference PMID:9446578
Notes Transamidation by TG2 transforms S100A11 into a covalently bonded homodimer

that acquires the capacity to signal through the p38 MAPK pathway, accelerate

chondrocyte hypertrophy and matrix catabolism.

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